![]() It's was a gloomy, black, white and gray sort of day in Silver Lake, NH. There is still snow on the ground. I spent the afternoon inside the training barn assembling bistro tables for the sunset deck for when the snow melts. FedEx delivered six huge corrugated cardboard boxes, each containing the pieces and parts, screws and tools needed to assemble the sets ... and a whole lot of packing material. And I am ready to be outside so I thought, why not assemble these today and get ready for spring! My brain tends to lean towards productivity. Before I start a project, it asks, "what is the goal and what is the most organized way to get to the goal?" There is something about being organized that clears my head for the other more interesting and inspiring thoughts that want to float through. One by one, I unpacked the boxes separating out the packing materials into recycling containers. I laid out all the table tops upside down on the floor in a circle with space for me eventually sit in the middle to make assembling each set more efficiently. On top of each table top I lined up the foundation and placed a set of screws on the underside of each table. I stacked up the chairs against the wall (no assembly necessary) and one by one, cut them out of their packing material, discarding and recycling as necessary. I piled up the empty boxes, recycling containers and trash bags in the corner of the barn to free up space and make it easier to load up for removal later. I got down on the floor and began to assemble the tables. As I finished each table, I turned up upright. I couldn't resist getting up and adding two chairs to the first table to see what it looked like. And then another and another ... And then it happened. Suddenly I found myself immersed in scenes of wine and cheese receptions with candles over sunset. I imagined a group of students enjoying a break from our workshop outside on the deck overlooking Mount Chocorua and Forrest Brook. I imagined morning coffee on the deck as participants prepared for their day of transformational work. And even a small wedding reception! I looked out and noticed that sunset was happening over the deck outside the barn. As I looked out at the sunset, I noticed that the deck still had a good amount of snow and ice that needs to melt before the tables can go out. Big sigh. Even the sunset was a bit stark; mostly black and white with only the slightest touch of pink to remind me that more warm and colorful days are coming.. Six tables and twelve chairs completed. I felt a nudge to set one of the tables up with one of those sweet April Cornell tablecloths I got on closeout last year when I had first starting visualizing summer events on the deck. Adorable. I was inspired to set up the rest of the tables around the barn. I had never thought about setting them up in the barn, but I quickly began to visualize receptions for local artists and book signings for authors. I looked around the room and noticed that six wasn't enough. I need eight. I took my computer and sat at one of the tables (the one with the sweet tablecloth) and went online and ordered two more sets. They were on closeout for a great price! I looked around and imagined an internet cafe as right now I am sitting at a bistro table sipping tea while answering some emails and making this post! Or perhaps a make your own sundae bar event as a way to wrap up a workshop. The ideas simply flowed. It's so fun to live life and approach work in a way that frees up the conscious brain and allows the heart to engage. In my experience, that place and that energetic vibration is where joy lives and where imagination and creativity flow, which allows inspiration to emerge. And that is where the magic of manifestation lives. Now to get back to preparing slides for my upcoming Manifesting Magic workshop and perhaps putting together a price list for people who want to rent the property for their own events! And then I need to move the bistro sets out of the barn and to the shed in time for yoga class until I can break them out to get ready for our Ripple on Silver Lake Open House.
![]() A year ago today I found out that my mortgage for my dream property was approved. Facebook memories reminded me. It was also the day that my Dad's spirit came back after he had been hanging out on death's door for awhile. It was the day after my brother Kevin lost his battle to cancer and six months to the day that my Mom died. Dad had emergency open heart surgery that ended up in cardiac arrest and began a long and difficult six month journey back to health. Way too much! As I look back there are hardly words to describe everything that was happening and how I got through it. Well, maybe one word ... Here's the post Facebook Memories showed me this morning: April 14, 2018 at 8:08 PM, Bradenton FL Dad's spirit is back! He is awake, alert, medically stable and responding well to everything he is being asked to do so he can finally move on to the next step in the rehab process. It is so good to look into his eyes and know it's really him looking back at me as he squeezes my hand to let me know he's really there. He can't talk yet with his trach, but soon ... really soon. It's been a long and difficult year for me and my family. Watching my Mom slip away was difficult. Losing my brother Kevin, way too young, was way too much. Sitting at my Dad's bedside in Florida not knowing if he would pull through at the same time the rest of my family was saying goodbye to my brother was just crazy. At the same time, it's been a year full of insights, awareness, growth and transformation ... within each of us and all around us. As I look back over my experience and reflect on how I survived it all, I realize that I have a powerful set of foundational tools and an amazing network of people supporting me. I am inspired now, more than ever, to share those tools with others as I fully embrace the role they play in my life today. I've had an amazing opportunity to get some pretty high level coaching with Jack Canfield, his team and a wonderful group of people who helped me sort out and map out the next steps in my journey. Jack was standing with me in the moment I gave consent for my Dad's doctor to perform surgery that gave us the last chance for my Dad to come back from his medically induced coma and hooked up to a ventilator. So many thoughts and ideas flowing right now. In this instant, the most exciting news right now is this. For those of you who have heard me talk about my dream of opening a retreat center, I just got word that my mortgage for the property I live in was approved. It is the ideal location at exactly the right time. Through all the challenges, this miracle emerged at exactly the perfect time in ways I never could have imagined. I never would have seen the house deal unfolding in the midst of the crisis and chaos if I had not had the foundation upon which I live my life today. In the perfection, the duality in all of this is profound. It brings me to the question "what's good and what's bad?" From my perspective, it's all one. Just as we are all one. All opportunities to learn and grow and heal and transform fear to love, and ultimately, when we are ready, to serve. Today Dad is back on the golf course. When I talked to him this morning. I could hear the excitement in his voice when he told me that he's back on the golf course and that he just got word that he qualified for the River Isles Annual Golf Tournament. And he could hear the excitement in my voice as I told him I was putting together my event schedule and business plan for Ripple on Silver Lake. Both of us expressed our gratitude with each other as we reflected back over the year. The miracles. The challenges. The connections. The magic. The love. As I hung up the phone my thoughts led me to on of my favorite songs about life and love. How do you measure a year in the life ... ? Seasons of Love from Rent (Original Cast Recording/1996) Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes
Five hundred twenty-five thousand moments so dear Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes How do you measure, measure a year? In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee In inches, in miles. in laughter, in strife? Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes How do you measure a year in the life? How about love? Measure in love ... Seasons of Love ~Donny Osmond Jim Rohn says, “You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself.”
Are you happy with your life? Your work? Your relationships? Your financial situation? Your living environment? Most of us have some things about our life that we’re not happy with. Often we fall into the trap of blaming external causes for why we’re not happy and successful. I am surrounded by adults who aren’t satisfied with their jobs while blaming the economy for forcing them to stay, or their bosses for their work environment when, in fact, they are choosing to stay and aren’t doing anything to either make their work environment more pleasant or shift their perspective. Many people I know aren’t happy in their relationships, yet they would rather blame their partners for their unhappiness then take action to change what needs to be changed. I work with teenagers around pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease (STD) prevention, substance use and academic success. When getting the news of an unintended pregnancy or STD, teens have blamed the condom company for making a cheap product or their partner for not using condoms. One teen even blamed her situation on her parents, stating that they wouldn’t let her go on birth control so that’s why she got pregnant. I once had a student tell me it was my fault he couldn’t graduate despite the fact that he chose to reject every opportunity I gave him to make up his assignments and missed classes. Jack Canfield, author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul Series and The Success Principles, refers to blaming and complaining as “having a reference point of something we prefer that we are not willing to risk creating”. He goes on to suggest we consider the following formula: E + R = O E stands for all the “Events” in our lives. R stands for our “Responses” to those events. O stands for the “ Outcomes” we experience. Jack teaches that the outcomes we are experiencing in our lives are the result of our responses to the events that are occurring. He further suggests that we don’t have control over the circumstances and events that show up in our lives, nor can we control the behavior of the people in our lives. For example, we can’t control our bosses, our spouses, and the economy. However, we do have control over responses. The thoughts we think, the choices we make and the actions we take in response to the events. In fact, our “R’s” are really the only thing we can control. And so by changing our responses to the events that happen in our lives we can create better outcomes. So let’s be honest, taking a full 100% responsibility for everything in our lives can be difficult and feel overwhelming, especially to start. So how about taking 5% more responsibility to start? Activity Get pen and paper or power up your laptop and complete each of the following statements: “If I were to take 5% more responsibility for my life and well-being, I would …” “If I were to take 5% more responsibility for living my passion, I would … “ “If I were to take 5% more responsibility for the attainment of my goals, I would …” “If I would take 5% more responsibility for the success of my relationships, I would …” If you really want to make lasting changes, improve your self-esteem, and increase success in your life, take it one step further than this activity and consider joining my Take Back Control of Your Life 14 Day Challenge. It starts this Sunday, April 7, 2019. It's a simple, powerful and FREE way to get started on your way to creating the outcomes you want in your life. The 14 Day Challenge takes place in a private Facebook group. I promise it will be worth the little bit of time and effort you put into it and you'll be pleased with the results that you'll see as you begin to remove some of the blocks that have been standing in your way of success, happiness and fulfillment. To sign up for this FREE online experience visit https://trishajacobson.synduit.com/CTRL0002 "Man, alone, has the power to transform his thoughts into physical reality; man, alone, can dream and make his dreams come true." ~Napoleon Hill I first learned about manifesting in 2007 when I first saw the movie The Secret. I loved the concept of creating whatever I wanted in life, but I struggled with exactly how to do that. My interest in the Law of Attraction got supercharged in 2010 when I began studying with Jack Canfield. First I started listening to his book The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where Your Want to Be.
I had a lot of time off that summer. I was in transition. I was doing work I loved with teenagers, but not making enough money to pay my bills. I had lunch with a friend and was talking about my state of mind and the state of my affairs. I told her I needed to figure out a way to make more money. It was stressing me out. She told me I needed to take some time off, go to the beach, relax and read a couple of romance novels and chill out. I hadn't had time off for quite some time and could really use a break from everything. I told her I planned to do some hiking and kayaking so I didn't have time to sit down and read romance novels. She told me about Audible and audiobooks and pitched that romance novels could be very relaxing and that they might supplement my hikes and paddles with a bit of a spark. I had never heard of Audible, nor did I have an mp3 player or an iPod. I enlisted the help of Liam, my teenage neighbor. We headed to the store to get an mp3 player and I was soon signing into Audible to download my first romance novel. The truth is, I didn't really want to listen to romance novels. My intention was to sort out my financial dilemma and figure out a plan. I was pretty sure it was the only thing that would really allow me to relax. It felt like the right thing to do with my time and energy. And that's when it happened. "Get this book for FREE when you create your Audible account today". On my screen was the Chicken Soup for the Soul guy, Jack Canfield, on the cover of his book, The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be. I had met Jack about 25 years before at a live event my work sent me to. I really liked him and remembered buying one of his products ... an audio tape series that I had listened to many times over the years. I clicked on the link and and enlisted Liam's help to download it to my mp3 player. That afternoon I packed up my backpack and headed down to the lake for a paddle. And that afternoon, my world changed. As I listened to the Success Principles book, I heard Jack talk about his live training event, Breakthrough to Success. I got goosebumps. I pay attention to goosebumps. My grandmother called them "God bumps" and told me that they are a sign that I'm being guided by something beyond me. Three months later, through a series of powerful events, amazing coincidences and a miracle or two, I stood in the registration line at the Scottsdale Princess in Arizona, collected my workbook and waiting for the doors to open and for Breakthrough to Success Live to begin. BTS literally changed my life. Jack taught us how to get clear about our life vision, helped us explore passion and purpose and taught us a blueprint to create whatever it is we decided we wanted to create. He taught us conscious principles of manifesting in 7 areas of our lives and taught us how to clear the subconscious blocks that were manifesting things we didn't want. At BTS I decided that I wanted to learn more about this work and perhaps, someday, even serve on Jack's live event assisting team. The work was that powerful. I went on to become certified by Jack to teach his work and I live the principles every day of my life. I also work with Jack's company as the Team Leader of his Breakthrough to Success and his Success Principles Train the Trainer live events. I'd say that my grandmother was right about paying attention to goosebumps! Even though I went to Audible in search of a couple of romance novels my friend had recommended, I never got them. Instead I manifested exactly what I needed to help me manifest the results I intended. To sort out my next steps. How to get from where I was to where I wanted to be. Today I am a master manifester. I love sharing what I know with others to help them harness the power of the Law of Attraction and how to apply the success principles to create amazing things in their own lives. I have so many manifesting stories that I love to share and Ripple on Silver Lake is one of the most powerful of all of them. That's why it's the perfect place to teach my first official class titled Manifesting Magic with the Law of Attraction. You can sign up at https://trishajacobson.synduit.com/CL0005. Hope to see you there! You can read part of the story of how Ripple on Silver Lake came to be here. I'm thinking I'll be sharing the rest in class! |
June 2019