Even if you consider yourself a generally positive person, it’s likely that you still have many negative thoughts. We all do. It’s easier for the brain to remember the negative ideas, thoughts, and memories because they tend to affect us more emotionally. With a little bit of training, you can shift the way that your mind processes the world around you and change the trajectory of your future. Your mind is more pliable than you think.
Take a moment to think back to the last bad day you had. What caused it? Did a coworker say something negative? Did a partner not react to something the way you wanted them to? It often all comes down to a single thought or action being replayed in your mind, creating a story and leading to your bad day. Now consider what would have happened if you had the ability to brush off your negative reaction and not give it any power by creating a story to go along with it. What if you could push aside the interaction and carry on with your day more positively. Once you flood your mind with a specific thought, you’ll begin naturally attracting things that align with that thought. So make it positive! Thoughts become things ... so think the good ones! “You create your own universe as you go along.” -Winston Churchill
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![]() I just returned from California where I was leading Jack Canfield's Success Principles Train the Trainer assisting team. As he was signing books for participants, we chatted about what was new and good. He asked me about my new retreat center, Ripple on Silver Lake. Apparently his wife Inga saw something I posted on Facebook about manifesting the property and brought it to Jack's attention. I fondly call the property "The House that Jack Built" because I manifested it using the principles he taught me. He asked me to write the story of how I manifested the property for a book he's working on. Last night a conversation with a friend about shifting perspective reminded me of how inherent the manifesting process has become for me and how much I have learned about creating my best life over the past nine years. Lately I've been feeling inspired to share the process with others and clearly the Universe is supporting this! This morning, as I reflect on my week in the training room with Jack and settle in to write the story of how I manifested this property, Facebook memories pops up with a notification from a year ago reminding me of the very foundation of manifesting magic. I think it's time to start sharing! For my first blog post, I'd like to talk about a simple three letter word that plays a huge role in the process of manifesting amazing things. Joy. Consider completing this assignment to increase joy in your life today: 1) Brainstorm a list of 25 things that bring you joy. 2) Pick one of those things and do it right now! Yes! Right now. Keep it simple. Very simple. For me, this morning it is simply reaching out to pet my cat. She purrs in response. While I write this Leah settles in alongside me for a nap, still purring. And my heart beats happy. I punctuate the joy I'm feeling by looking up and taking a moment to simply look out the window. Spring is springing in New Hampshire and just seeing the color of the buds about to burst amplifies the joy I feel from my cat purring. Two minutes of joy. Actually two minutes and two seconds, for as I look out at the buds, a bird flies from the tree and out of sight. And Leah settles in beside me, still purring. Now is the perfect time to take another minute to close my eyes and visualize what I'd like to manifest ... ![]() It's was a gloomy, black, white and gray sort of day in Silver Lake, NH. There is still snow on the ground. I spent the afternoon inside the training barn assembling bistro tables for the sunset deck for when the snow melts. FedEx delivered six huge corrugated cardboard boxes, each containing the pieces and parts, screws and tools needed to assemble the sets ... and a whole lot of packing material. And I am ready to be outside so I thought, why not assemble these today and get ready for spring! My brain tends to lean towards productivity. Before I start a project, it asks, "what is the goal and what is the most organized way to get to the goal?" There is something about being organized that clears my head for the other more interesting and inspiring thoughts that want to float through. One by one, I unpacked the boxes separating out the packing materials into recycling containers. I laid out all the table tops upside down on the floor in a circle with space for me eventually sit in the middle to make assembling each set more efficiently. On top of each table top I lined up the foundation and placed a set of screws on the underside of each table. I stacked up the chairs against the wall (no assembly necessary) and one by one, cut them out of their packing material, discarding and recycling as necessary. I piled up the empty boxes, recycling containers and trash bags in the corner of the barn to free up space and make it easier to load up for removal later. I got down on the floor and began to assemble the tables. As I finished each table, I turned up upright. I couldn't resist getting up and adding two chairs to the first table to see what it looked like. And then another and another ... And then it happened. Suddenly I found myself immersed in scenes of wine and cheese receptions with candles over sunset. I imagined a group of students enjoying a break from our workshop outside on the deck overlooking Mount Chocorua and Forrest Brook. I imagined morning coffee on the deck as participants prepared for their day of transformational work. And even a small wedding reception! I looked out and noticed that sunset was happening over the deck outside the barn. As I looked out at the sunset, I noticed that the deck still had a good amount of snow and ice that needs to melt before the tables can go out. Big sigh. Even the sunset was a bit stark; mostly black and white with only the slightest touch of pink to remind me that more warm and colorful days are coming.. Six tables and twelve chairs completed. I felt a nudge to set one of the tables up with one of those sweet April Cornell tablecloths I got on closeout last year when I had first starting visualizing summer events on the deck. Adorable. I was inspired to set up the rest of the tables around the barn. I had never thought about setting them up in the barn, but I quickly began to visualize receptions for local artists and book signings for authors. I looked around the room and noticed that six wasn't enough. I need eight. I took my computer and sat at one of the tables (the one with the sweet tablecloth) and went online and ordered two more sets. They were on closeout for a great price! I looked around and imagined an internet cafe as right now I am sitting at a bistro table sipping tea while answering some emails and making this post! Or perhaps a make your own sundae bar event as a way to wrap up a workshop. The ideas simply flowed. It's so fun to live life and approach work in a way that frees up the conscious brain and allows the heart to engage. In my experience, that place and that energetic vibration is where joy lives and where imagination and creativity flow, which allows inspiration to emerge. And that is where the magic of manifestation lives. Now to get back to preparing slides for my upcoming Manifesting Magic workshop and perhaps putting together a price list for people who want to rent the property for their own events! And then I need to move the bistro sets out of the barn and to the shed in time for yoga class until I can break them out to get ready for our Ripple on Silver Lake Open House. "Man, alone, has the power to transform his thoughts into physical reality; man, alone, can dream and make his dreams come true." ~Napoleon Hill I first learned about manifesting in 2007 when I first saw the movie The Secret. I loved the concept of creating whatever I wanted in life, but I struggled with exactly how to do that. My interest in the Law of Attraction got supercharged in 2010 when I began studying with Jack Canfield. First I started listening to his book The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where Your Want to Be.
I had a lot of time off that summer. I was in transition. I was doing work I loved with teenagers, but not making enough money to pay my bills. I had lunch with a friend and was talking about my state of mind and the state of my affairs. I told her I needed to figure out a way to make more money. It was stressing me out. She told me I needed to take some time off, go to the beach, relax and read a couple of romance novels and chill out. I hadn't had time off for quite some time and could really use a break from everything. I told her I planned to do some hiking and kayaking so I didn't have time to sit down and read romance novels. She told me about Audible and audiobooks and pitched that romance novels could be very relaxing and that they might supplement my hikes and paddles with a bit of a spark. I had never heard of Audible, nor did I have an mp3 player or an iPod. I enlisted the help of Liam, my teenage neighbor. We headed to the store to get an mp3 player and I was soon signing into Audible to download my first romance novel. The truth is, I didn't really want to listen to romance novels. My intention was to sort out my financial dilemma and figure out a plan. I was pretty sure it was the only thing that would really allow me to relax. It felt like the right thing to do with my time and energy. And that's when it happened. "Get this book for FREE when you create your Audible account today". On my screen was the Chicken Soup for the Soul guy, Jack Canfield, on the cover of his book, The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be. I had met Jack about 25 years before at a live event my work sent me to. I really liked him and remembered buying one of his products ... an audio tape series that I had listened to many times over the years. I clicked on the link and and enlisted Liam's help to download it to my mp3 player. That afternoon I packed up my backpack and headed down to the lake for a paddle. And that afternoon, my world changed. As I listened to the Success Principles book, I heard Jack talk about his live training event, Breakthrough to Success. I got goosebumps. I pay attention to goosebumps. My grandmother called them "God bumps" and told me that they are a sign that I'm being guided by something beyond me. Three months later, through a series of powerful events, amazing coincidences and a miracle or two, I stood in the registration line at the Scottsdale Princess in Arizona, collected my workbook and waiting for the doors to open and for Breakthrough to Success Live to begin. BTS literally changed my life. Jack taught us how to get clear about our life vision, helped us explore passion and purpose and taught us a blueprint to create whatever it is we decided we wanted to create. He taught us conscious principles of manifesting in 7 areas of our lives and taught us how to clear the subconscious blocks that were manifesting things we didn't want. At BTS I decided that I wanted to learn more about this work and perhaps, someday, even serve on Jack's live event assisting team. The work was that powerful. I went on to become certified by Jack to teach his work and I live the principles every day of my life. I also work with Jack's company as the Team Leader of his Breakthrough to Success and his Success Principles Train the Trainer live events. I'd say that my grandmother was right about paying attention to goosebumps! Even though I went to Audible in search of a couple of romance novels my friend had recommended, I never got them. Instead I manifested exactly what I needed to help me manifest the results I intended. To sort out my next steps. How to get from where I was to where I wanted to be. Today I am a master manifester. I love sharing what I know with others to help them harness the power of the Law of Attraction and how to apply the success principles to create amazing things in their own lives. I have so many manifesting stories that I love to share and Ripple on Silver Lake is one of the most powerful of all of them. That's why it's the perfect place to teach my first official class titled Manifesting Magic with the Law of Attraction. You can sign up at https://trishajacobson.synduit.com/CL0005. Hope to see you there! You can read part of the story of how Ripple on Silver Lake came to be here. I'm thinking I'll be sharing the rest in class! |
June 2019