Even if you consider yourself a generally positive person, it’s likely that you still have many negative thoughts. We all do. It’s easier for the brain to remember the negative ideas, thoughts, and memories because they tend to affect us more emotionally. With a little bit of training, you can shift the way that your mind processes the world around you and change the trajectory of your future. Your mind is more pliable than you think.
Take a moment to think back to the last bad day you had. What caused it? Did a coworker say something negative? Did a partner not react to something the way you wanted them to? It often all comes down to a single thought or action being replayed in your mind, creating a story and leading to your bad day. Now consider what would have happened if you had the ability to brush off your negative reaction and not give it any power by creating a story to go along with it. What if you could push aside the interaction and carry on with your day more positively. Once you flood your mind with a specific thought, you’ll begin naturally attracting things that align with that thought. So make it positive! Thoughts become things ... so think the good ones! “You create your own universe as you go along.” -Winston Churchill
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June 2019