I am an early riser. I woke up this morning with no urgent plan and the need to reflect, to integrate, to snuggle with my cat Leah, and meditate as she purrs, and to just be before I get on with my day. Today I'm simply integrating the Ripple on Silver Lake Open House experience of this past weekend.
After a wild year of illness, loss and grief along with countless miracles that allowed me the honor of purchasing this property, the Ripple has begun. It was a wonderful weekend. It was energetically spectacular. The right people showed up at exactly the right time to give me a chance to connect with each person. We talked about upcoming programs, room setups for events they were considering holding at Ripple, lodging rates for my overnight rooms, my background and my coaching and training experience and how I see the Ripple community expanding as my vision continues to flow, evolve and expand. Visitors shared their ideas for programs and their suggestions about people I should contact to further expand the beautiful energy field that is being created. People gathered in the living room the dining room, the kitchen, the porches and enjoyed refreshment and heart centered conversation. It was a beautiful sunny day with a wonderful breeze which enhanced the space with plenty of natural light and caused the sheer curtains to billow in breeze. Energetically spectacular. I spent a lot of time simply observing the energy, the flow, the responses as people wandered throughout the indoor and outdoor spaces. I watched the interactions, the new connections being formed and previously made connections being realized or revitalized. I listened to the conversations which continued to reveal unknown connections. In the barn across the mirror behind the bar, beautifully scrolled in metal art cursive is the word "Gather". It was one of the first pieces I bought for the space over a year ago after my brother painted and upgraded the lighting. The curtains came next. Simple sheers to bring the outside in. "Create an energetically appealing space for people to gather and the magic will unfold," I told myself. My version of "if you build it, they will come", I suppose. And that is exactly what happened. They came. They commented on how wonderful the energy of the space was. And the magic unfolded. It was an extra special treat to have three former owners visit ... each sharing stories about what the house was like when they lived there and some of the memories they had created. The house, built in 1903, has certainly experienced transformation and has been the source of memories for so many. It was amazing to listen to their stories and memories and feel even more connections to my own. And now it's time to create more. More memories. More experiences. More transformation. More magic. Today I plan to rest some. Then there are follow up calls and emails. A couple of appointments with people who are interested in the venue for their own events. And then a bit more preparation for our fundraiser yard sale this Saturday that will help support the Ripple on Silver Lake scholarship fund to support members of the local community who may not otherwise be able to attend our workshops. I named the center Ripple on Silver Lake after my Mom. But I informally call it The House That Jack Built after my teacher, mentor and coach, Jack Canfield, the Chicken Soup for the Soul guy and the leader of Breakthrough to Success where I first met Jack and connected to his work. He taught me about the Law of Attraction and coached me through the principles of success that have helped clarify my goals and turn my vision into a reality. I am so looking forward to sharing my story while teaching others to do the same at my Manifesting Magic with the Law of Attraction class coming up on July 14th. I hope you are able to join us! And I still have a couple of overnight rooms available! This morning I had a vision of the house being used by Jack's community of coaches and trainers. It was the set of a TV edutainment reality series, The House That Jack Built, in which they bring their clients and share their transformation using the principles that Jack taught us. Perhaps Jack will really come here someday to see what he helped me create. I might just reach out to my Canfield family to see if there is any interest in putting together a series like this. After all, we all know how powerful this work is through the work we do with our students and clients and each other ... and this is a wonderful place for the Canfield family to gather! In the meantime, the vision keeps unfolding, the energy is soothing and the possibilities are inspiring.
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What's in a Name? So much more than I even knew! A year ago I put out a call to help me name my retreat center. Here is what I posted on Facebook: Many of you know me well. Some of you don't. But if you're here, perhaps you've been following my journey in some capacity and have picked up on my passion, my vision, my energy and how I show up in the world. I'd love your help!!! I need a name for my new center. I have some ideas but nothing has captured my heart yet. Here are a few pictures of the property, some key words, some key components of what I see happening here and a description of the physical plan. If you are so inspired, please either post below or private message me whatever comes to mind or heart. Thanks in advance! Key words: connection, love, transformation, growth, community, retreat, authenticity, expanding human potential and capacity for love, curiosity, exploration and understanding Key components/events: community gatherings for conversations that matter, discussion groups, spiritual movie nights, themed dinners, yoga classes, workshops, talks, meetings. Multi day writers retreats, mastermind retreats, personal growth workshops. Maybe even a Victorian wedding or two! Massage therapy practice currently onsite. Description of property: Built in 1903 (as best we know) this spectacular property sits on Forrest Brook with water views and deep water access to Silver Lake. Finished barn serves as a yoga studio and easily converts to workshop/gathering space seating 24 theater style for workshops/classes. The old hayloft now serves as the owners apartment. That's where I live. The huge windows, light and sunrise/sunset views soothe my spirit on a daily basis! Massage therapy suite onsite. Huge deck and lovely outdoor brookfront space for outdoor events. Main guest house has 4 bedrooms each with private bath. Common space includes kitchen, dining room and lakeview sitting room. Sunrise and sunset views from indoor and outdoor spots. Wrap around porch with screened in section. Also, Delilah,our official canine greeter, and Leah and Sylvester, my cats that watch over my space, add some wonderful energy and hilarious antics to an already amazing place. And ... yes ... it's haunted by two very sweet spirits who seem to be happy with the new owner. Something that I think is important to know: When I closed on the house, I had a punch list of things to check out and get estimates on including the roof, electrical, plumbing, grounds, airBNB listings ... the list goes on and on. I've had people come out to give me their opinions/assessment/estimates. What I didn't realize was that many of the workforce in the valley are kids (or families) that I have served through my nonprofit work. More than once I've been refused a bill for services rendered. I'm told that it's finally time for me to be paid back for some of what I've done for others. So a couple of other key words/concepts that come to mind about the essence of this property is co-creation, delightful surprises, immense gratitude and heartwarming tears. And one last amazing thing that makes me know this was all meant to be: My Mom died in September. When I was getting ready for her memorial service, I went through some old family photos, several of which I had never seen. Over the years my Mom used to talk about summering on a lake in NH, a place she loved and that was an annual part of her family history, but she couldn't recall the name of it. I came across an envelope of very old black and white photos. Buried among them was a picture titled "Mom Silver Lake 1924". It is a picture of my grandmother at 16 on the beach on Silver Lake, the very lake my center overlooks. I got well over one hundred suggestions from friends, family and people I didn't even know. The name I chose was Ripple on Silver Lake. It was suggested by my cousin John after my Mom's favorite song. Ripple by the Grateful Dead. I got goosebumps and knew that was it. Of course it was. It was perfect. Before Mom died, she had several strokes. Her speech was garbled and it was difficult to understand what she was trying to say. She knew what was happening and didn't like being so out of control. I watched her make the decision to die and I did my best to support her. She began to refuse food and water. I knew the end was near and was grateful I could spend so much time with her. One day just before she slipped away she sat up in bed, took my hand, looked me in the eye with her beautiful blue eyes and spoke to me in the way she did when she had advice for me. She told me that she loved me. She wished me well in pursuing my dream. She told me that she was getting ready to go and that she would come visit me. She told me that I would know she was around because of the song. Ripple. She reminded me that the most important thing in life wasn't success or money or fame. The most important thing was love. And she told me she was proud of me for figuring that out and living my life that way. Only love. She repeated that two more times. Only love. Only love. And then her speech became garbled again. She held my hand, closed her eyes, laid back down and eventually fell asleep. (If you're interested in reading more about the story behind the name: http://www.rippleonsilverlake.com/about-our-name.html ) That was about a year and a half ago and about six months before I purchased the property. Just he other day I was doing errands around town ... post office, hardware store, etc. I ran into a sweet elderly woman and we started to chat. Eventually it came out that I was the person who bought the big old yellow house. She exclaimed, "You must be Trish!" And continued, "I've heard alot about you and that you'll be doing good things there. I love that house. It has fond memories for me. Way back when i was young, my mother and I used to walk there from the lake. They used to serve ice cream in your parlor, ya know. We used to go there for ice cream in the summer." I smiled at the thought of my house being the local ice cream parlor. Those of you who know me know that ice cream is my favorite food. And lately I've been waking up with thought of serving ice cream in the summer. I even did a bit of exploring about what it would take to do that. Then it hit me! "Thank you for sharing that story with me. Do you mind if I ask how old you are?" I asked. "I am 83," She answered. I got goosebumps. My Mom would have been 83 this year. At the same time this woman was enjoying her ice cream with her Mom, I'll bet my Mom was enjoying her ice cream with her Mom. My grandmother. And her siblings. No wonder I can feel Mom here with me all the time! As I stood there I recalled that moment with my Mom. Ripple. You will know I am with you when you hear it. What's in a name? Goosebumps. Memories. Connection. So much love. And a sudden craving for ice cream ... Six years ago I was preparing to launch my first book. A year ago, against all odds and in the midst of some major illness and loss for me and my family, I closed on my dream property. Today I'm getting ready to launch my retreat center and prepare for an Open House to be held on June 22 and 23rd. As I look back over the years, the one thing that stands out the most and that I feel really good about is the amount of fear I've overcome. Fear is a funny thing. It can be powerful enough to paralyze. It can simply be a bump in the road to be walked around. Or it can be anywhere in between. One thing for sure is that fear is a part of life. Fear kept me stuck for a long time. Today it shows up in places and in ways that take me by surprise and even make me laugh out loud sometimes ... but today I acknowledge it for what it is. I actually invite it in and examine it. I notice the energy of it. I reflect upon it. I look at what it is trying to tell me. I put it into perspective and then I let it go and simply take the next right step towards my goal. Feel the fear. Take action anyway. Just keep taking the next right step. Those are my mantras. That is the power of the work I've been studying for the past nine years and the foundation I use to teach, train and coach people today. To be honest, I can feel fear creeping in right now as I prepare for the next steps towards launching my new venture. The "what if's" are just fear in disguise. I keep acknowledging them but put them aside with a knowing smile as I take the next right step along this amazing but sometimes scary journey. I am way outside my comfort zone and I'm in the place where the magic happens. And the magic is what makes it all worth it for me. For me, taking big steps towards the edge of my comfort zone seems to bring my fears to the surface. It's almost as if my fear is asking me if I am really sure I want to put myself out there and really go for it instead of staying comfortable in what I already know. But every time I step outside my comfort zone, magical things happen. Every. Single. Time. Six years ago I submitted my manuscript, Match Meets the Metaphysical, to the publisher. I can still remember the paralyzing fear I felt as that little arrow on my screen hovered over the send button. The manuscript was done. The final edit was complete. The cover was done. It was ready to publish. And I was afraid. I couldn't find it within myself to hit send. A month had passed since it was ready. I made several attempts to hit send. But the cursor hovered over the button and I was paralyzed with fear. I shared this with my Mastermind Group. They talked me out of my fear and reminded me that my story was powerful. That it would have impact. They offered their support, talked me through my fear and held me accountable. They asked me to hang up the phone, sign onto my computer, log in to the publisher's site, send the manuscript and call back in to the Mastermind call to report that I had done it. I did just what they asked me to do. And I clicked "send". I felt an amazing rush of energy surge through me. I called back in to the group and thanked them. I put a part of my story out into the world. The book became a bestseller. And it changed my life forever. A year ago I signed mortgage papers the property that is now Ripple on Silver Lake. As I paid my first invoice to the contractor who was helping me turn my barn into a training room, I felt immense fear. Damn those old beliefs around money, but I took the next right step anyway. A leaky pipe, a washing machine issue, a heating problem in the barn all showed up over the next couple of days, almost as if to test my resolve and make sure I was up for the challenge. My contractor was there with the right tool at the right time to adjust the leaky pipe before any water damage happened. A quick trip to the hardware store for a $10 replacement hose fixed the washing machine! The next morning the yoga instructor texted me to tell me the heater in the barn wasn't working. I panicked again as I texted my brother (my contractor) about the heater issue, totally projecting in my head about a major heating issue and replacement costs. His response: "It's unplugged. I unplugged it yesterday while I was doing the renovation.Look down to the right of the unit and just plug it in." Too funny. Perhaps the Universe was testing me once again just to be sure I was up for this new challenge? Or perhaps my fear was showing me how to simply skip the panic, use my resources, engage my sense of humor and show me that developing the ability to laugh at myself would serve me well along this journey. My first project major and ongoing project is finally complete. The barn still has its character but is much brighter and more functional now. It's amazing what a bit of paint, new lighting, a bit of reorganizing and one more window will do. It's now a wonderful space for meetings, classes, workshops, discussion groups, and social gatherings. Sometimes I head to the barn and its adjoining deck to enjoy a cup of tea over sunset. Click here to learn more about the barn here! It is amazing how easy things are when you approach them with a sense of humor and a sense of trusting that everything happens for a reason. And that the reason for the fear is more than likely to serve the learning and growing process! The next big project was setting up a rooms for summer and fall foliage guests. What appeared to be a leaky roof in the Lake Room chimney ended up being a simple, quick fix done by a young man who refused to take any money. He told me he wanted to pay me back for what I did for him when he was a teenager and his family was struggling. I would have paid him whatever he asked for as I watched him climbing way up on my really high roof! Instead, I allowed the magic to flow. (Check out the Lake Room if you or anyone you know is looking for a beautiful home for a mountain getaway.) The Open House is coming up on the weekend of June 22-23rd. It will offer people the opportunity to wander through the house and around the property as they consider possibilities of the venue for their out of town guests, professional meetings or training workshops. Free classes and demonstrations of what we currently offer will be offered and information about upcoming events will be available. A free yoga class will be held from 8:30-10:00am. Dave will follow with a demonstration of a Muscle Activating Technique, a powerful therapeutic modality that is used to enhance mobility and range of motion, Julie of Silver Lake Massage will demonstrate her Zero Balance Technique as well as offer mini massage sessions and Mikayla and Trish will demonstrate some simple yet effective heart centered tools to increase connection, raise your vibration, decrease stress and deal with difficult situations. Refreshments will be served throughout the day and the decks and porch will be open for relaxing, connecting and simply enjoying the view overlooking Mount Chocorua and Forrest Brook on Silver Lake. The following weekend we'll be hosting a yard sale at Ripple on Silver Lake. It will be a multi family yard sale. All proceeds from the sale of our merchandise and space fees will go directly into the Ripple on Silver Lake Scholarship Fund to support local people who would like to participate in our classes, workshops and events. We're always open to ideas about how we can build the Ripple community and serve the larger community! I envision a thriving community gathering together in this beautiful space for the purpose of connection, learning, growing and magical transformation that expands like a Ripple as we each move out into the world doing what we do! I just made the twelfth mortgage payment on my dream property. I turned it into a ceremony of sorts. A celebration. I wrote out the check with my favorite purple inked pen. The pen I've used to autograph my books. There is something about the energy of purple that makes my heart beat happy. I pay all my bills electronically, but for some reason, I make it a ritual to write out the mortgage check each month. Then I get in the car, drive through the neighborhood, walk into the bank and present my check to the teller. Perhaps it symbolizes the "old way" of doing things and is my way of connecting the past with the present. Perhaps it's simply about the ritual that reminds me of how it all came to be. Or perhaps it's to honor the property, the beauty that surrounds it and it's place in the community. But it feels important ... and special. And today it seemed even moreso. I picked up the check and my car keys from my kitchen table. I paused for a minute to take in the view of Mount Chocorua and the way the sun was dancing on the leaves that burst from their buds over the past couple of weeks. I walked into the living room and watched the family of geese play in Forrest Brook. What a wonderful spot Mom and Dad picked to teach their young how to swim and play! I walked downstairs through the barn and paused to reflect on all the changes that have been made since I purchased the property. Fresh paint, bigger windows, new lighting, carpet and sheer curtains along with deck access to the back yard make it a perfect place to hold a class, workshop, meeting, discussion group or social gathering ... even a small wedding! Or simply sip a cup of tea with a visitor. Don't forget to check in with Jake and Ian about deck staining plans once Ian gets out of school. The list never ends, but it's all coming together beautifully ... I step into the front hallway and am again reminded of the never ending to do list. Rent carpet steam cleaner next week after school ... I head out the front door and pinch a few spent petunia flowers on my way. A slight breeze is coming off the lake and it brings a waft of the scent of lilacs my way. My Mom's way of saying hello and reminding me that she's closeby. I stop, close my eyes and take in a full deep breath of lilacs. As I open my eyes, I notice a kayaker out on the lake and an older man standing on the bridge with a younger boy, each holding fishing poles. What a beautiful playground we share! On my way to the bank I stopped in to get my mail at the Silver Lake post office. I chatted for a few minutes with Patty, the postmaster. She is very active in the local garden club and she gave me a couple of gardening tips as I fetched my mail out of my lock box. In came an older woman who is moving rather slowly. Patty greeted her and expresses her condolences for the loss of their mutual friend. They both shed a few tears and hold hands over the counter. I am compelled to linger a bit, as if to honor the memory woman who passed. In just a few minutes, I learned alot about the woman. She was a matriarch of the neighborhood and a powerful influence in some of the neighborhood kids. She was very much connected to the history of the two women who shared stories of the old neighborhood. It became evident that the older woman was most likely around when my grandmother and mother used to summer on Silver Lake. I showed her the picture I had on my phone of my grandmother on the beach of Silver Lake in 1924. The picture that I look at often to remind me that there is a reason I feel so connected to this property and to the Silver Lake area. We exchanged good days and I headed along Route 41 along Silver Lake enjoying the views along the way. I thought back to the feelings I had that day I drove along this route heading to the closing. As if watching the scenes of a great movie unfolding, such is the story of how I came to purchase the property. Clearly the purchase was meant to be. It all came together in the midst of an extremely difficult time for me and my family. I had lost both my Mom and my brother and the day after my brother died, my Dad had a major cardiac event. On my closing day, I had just come from Florida where my Dad had just turned the corner from a two months battle for his life and was finally starting on the long path back through rehab. I am so grateful that's all behind me now and that after two years of challenges, I'm finally settling into my new life in Silver Lake. Wow ... so many thoughts and memories and connections! And so much gratitude that I am now looking forward to seeing my vision evolve and coming to life. On my way into the bank I ran into a woman who stopped in the parking lot to ask me about the upcoming Open House on June 22 & 23rd. I never met her, but she used to attend yoga classes in the barn. She was at the local hardware store and heard that I bought the house from someone she ran into. She was excited to hear more about my vision for the property and the work that will happen at and around Ripple on Silver Lake. More about my ever evolving vision tomorrow or the next day ... along with a schedule of events for the upcoming Open House! For now I'm off to add a couple of plants to the garden and shower before I head out to meet with a client about a team building workshop and do some work on my Success on Snow program. A life in one of my days at Ripple on Silver Lake ... It's been a year since I bought my wonderful, old Victorian home with the vision of turning it into a retreat center. As you can imagine, the project list is a mile long ... but it is happening! Ripple on Silver Lake is coming alive! I move into each day with the intention that I will have the support I need, the money I need and the motivation I need to continue moving towards my vision. And the Universe just keeps surprising me. Last week, as I chipped away at my list of things to do for the upcoming Open House that is happening on June 22-23, I went out to look at the garden beds on the front and side of the house. The lawn had invaded both beds and the perennials had been overtaken. It was a mess. I am not a gardener ... nor did I even know how to begin tackling this project. I put it out to the cosmos that help would show up and I asked around for advice on how to approach the project. In the meantime, I've begun teaching classes in the barn that I've turned into a lovely training room. A couple of weeks ago I taught a class on Manifesting Magic with the Law of Attraction. At the end of the class, a woman came up to me and told me that she would like to help me rehab my gardens. She loved the property and felt drawn to make the offer to help me. And then I didn't hear from her. Two weeks later I went to a yard sale on Friday that was a fundraiser for a local nonprofit. I found an edger for $3. I didn't even really know how to use an edger, but felt drawn to buy it. One of my gardening friends who gave me advice on my garden project told me that I should start with an edger to set the line for the bed. So $3.00 later I was ready to start tackling the bed. I was running out of time to get the beds in shape in time for the Open House and decided to start rehabbing the beds the next day. The next morning, just as I was getting dressed to head outside the woman from class texted me and told me she had some time available to help me and wondered if she could come over and to work on the beds. I told her I was just about to head out. She showed up. Four hours later, both beds were back to plantable soil, the grass was gone and the perennials could breathe again. She was amazing. And clearly she loved her work. And I totally enjoyed our conversation as we cut out the grass and restored the beds. She refused compensation but accepted my invitation to grab a bite in exchange for her time. She agreed and our conversation continued. I asked her why she reached out to me and offered to help. She told me she felt drawn by something beyond her that she didn't quite understand. She told me that since she took my Manifesting Magic class she was trying to act on that sense and pay attention to the things that often went unnoticed. We continued to chat over our meal. She was clearly in transition, cleary open, cleary ready. My mind wandered to when I was in that state. That was the summer of 2010 when I connected to the Success Principles, got introduced to the Law of Attraction and attended Breakthrough to Success. That was the year I got clarity. That was the year my life transformed and I got on the path to living with passion and purpose. I drifted back to the conversation as she was talking about needing to find clarity in some of the unknown. And then it hit me. Breakthrough to Success! I now work for Jack Canfield and I have access to BTS tickets for the weeks of service. I had an unused ticket. In the moment I felt inspired to offer it to her. And I did. At first she told me that she didn't know how she would pay for the airfare and the lodging. But she stopped mid-sentence and acknowledged the goosebumps she had on her arms. "You taught me to pay attention to the goosebumps," she said. "Where is BTS held?", she asked. "Scottsdale, AZ," I replied. "My daughter lives in Phoenix. I have a plane ticket to go see her in the fall. Perhaps I can change the dates!" she exclaimed. By the time we got our check, she had a plan. She will be at BTS. And she insists on helping me maintain my gardens in exchange for the BTS experience. Win-win all around. I love how the Universe works when I get out of it's way. I love how things simply flow in perfect timing with a wonderful display of magic that we could never orchestrate on our own. Don't forget ... pay attention when the goosebump happen. They mean that magic is flowing ... Even if you consider yourself a generally positive person, it’s likely that you still have many negative thoughts. We all do. It’s easier for the brain to remember the negative ideas, thoughts, and memories because they tend to affect us more emotionally. With a little bit of training, you can shift the way that your mind processes the world around you and change the trajectory of your future. Your mind is more pliable than you think.
Take a moment to think back to the last bad day you had. What caused it? Did a coworker say something negative? Did a partner not react to something the way you wanted them to? It often all comes down to a single thought or action being replayed in your mind, creating a story and leading to your bad day. Now consider what would have happened if you had the ability to brush off your negative reaction and not give it any power by creating a story to go along with it. What if you could push aside the interaction and carry on with your day more positively. Once you flood your mind with a specific thought, you’ll begin naturally attracting things that align with that thought. So make it positive! Thoughts become things ... so think the good ones! “You create your own universe as you go along.” -Winston Churchill I just returned from California where I was leading Jack Canfield's Success Principles Train the Trainer assisting team. As he was signing books for participants, we chatted about what was new and good. He asked me about my new retreat center, Ripple on Silver Lake. Apparently his wife Inga saw something I posted on Facebook about manifesting the property and brought it to Jack's attention. I fondly call the property "The House that Jack Built" because I manifested it using the principles he taught me. He asked me to write the story of how I manifested the property for a book he's working on. Last night a conversation with a friend about shifting perspective reminded me of how inherent the manifesting process has become for me and how much I have learned about creating my best life over the past nine years. Lately I've been feeling inspired to share the process with others and clearly the Universe is supporting this! This morning, as I reflect on my week in the training room with Jack and settle in to write the story of how I manifested this property, Facebook memories pops up with a notification from a year ago reminding me of the very foundation of manifesting magic. I think it's time to start sharing! For my first blog post, I'd like to talk about a simple three letter word that plays a huge role in the process of manifesting amazing things. Joy. Consider completing this assignment to increase joy in your life today: 1) Brainstorm a list of 25 things that bring you joy. 2) Pick one of those things and do it right now! Yes! Right now. Keep it simple. Very simple. For me, this morning it is simply reaching out to pet my cat. She purrs in response. While I write this Leah settles in alongside me for a nap, still purring. And my heart beats happy. I punctuate the joy I'm feeling by looking up and taking a moment to simply look out the window. Spring is springing in New Hampshire and just seeing the color of the buds about to burst amplifies the joy I feel from my cat purring. Two minutes of joy. Actually two minutes and two seconds, for as I look out at the buds, a bird flies from the tree and out of sight. And Leah settles in beside me, still purring. Now is the perfect time to take another minute to close my eyes and visualize what I'd like to manifest ... It's was a gloomy, black, white and gray sort of day in Silver Lake, NH. There is still snow on the ground. I spent the afternoon inside the training barn assembling bistro tables for the sunset deck for when the snow melts. FedEx delivered six huge corrugated cardboard boxes, each containing the pieces and parts, screws and tools needed to assemble the sets ... and a whole lot of packing material. And I am ready to be outside so I thought, why not assemble these today and get ready for spring! My brain tends to lean towards productivity. Before I start a project, it asks, "what is the goal and what is the most organized way to get to the goal?" There is something about being organized that clears my head for the other more interesting and inspiring thoughts that want to float through. One by one, I unpacked the boxes separating out the packing materials into recycling containers. I laid out all the table tops upside down on the floor in a circle with space for me eventually sit in the middle to make assembling each set more efficiently. On top of each table top I lined up the foundation and placed a set of screws on the underside of each table. I stacked up the chairs against the wall (no assembly necessary) and one by one, cut them out of their packing material, discarding and recycling as necessary. I piled up the empty boxes, recycling containers and trash bags in the corner of the barn to free up space and make it easier to load up for removal later. I got down on the floor and began to assemble the tables. As I finished each table, I turned up upright. I couldn't resist getting up and adding two chairs to the first table to see what it looked like. And then another and another ... And then it happened. Suddenly I found myself immersed in scenes of wine and cheese receptions with candles over sunset. I imagined a group of students enjoying a break from our workshop outside on the deck overlooking Mount Chocorua and Forrest Brook. I imagined morning coffee on the deck as participants prepared for their day of transformational work. And even a small wedding reception! I looked out and noticed that sunset was happening over the deck outside the barn. As I looked out at the sunset, I noticed that the deck still had a good amount of snow and ice that needs to melt before the tables can go out. Big sigh. Even the sunset was a bit stark; mostly black and white with only the slightest touch of pink to remind me that more warm and colorful days are coming.. Six tables and twelve chairs completed. I felt a nudge to set one of the tables up with one of those sweet April Cornell tablecloths I got on closeout last year when I had first starting visualizing summer events on the deck. Adorable. I was inspired to set up the rest of the tables around the barn. I had never thought about setting them up in the barn, but I quickly began to visualize receptions for local artists and book signings for authors. I looked around the room and noticed that six wasn't enough. I need eight. I took my computer and sat at one of the tables (the one with the sweet tablecloth) and went online and ordered two more sets. They were on closeout for a great price! I looked around and imagined an internet cafe as right now I am sitting at a bistro table sipping tea while answering some emails and making this post! Or perhaps a make your own sundae bar event as a way to wrap up a workshop. The ideas simply flowed. It's so fun to live life and approach work in a way that frees up the conscious brain and allows the heart to engage. In my experience, that place and that energetic vibration is where joy lives and where imagination and creativity flow, which allows inspiration to emerge. And that is where the magic of manifestation lives. Now to get back to preparing slides for my upcoming Manifesting Magic workshop and perhaps putting together a price list for people who want to rent the property for their own events! And then I need to move the bistro sets out of the barn and to the shed in time for yoga class until I can break them out to get ready for our Ripple on Silver Lake Open House. A year ago today I found out that my mortgage for my dream property was approved. Facebook memories reminded me. It was also the day that my Dad's spirit came back after he had been hanging out on death's door for awhile. It was the day after my brother Kevin lost his battle to cancer and six months to the day that my Mom died. Dad had emergency open heart surgery that ended up in cardiac arrest and began a long and difficult six month journey back to health. Way too much! As I look back there are hardly words to describe everything that was happening and how I got through it. Well, maybe one word ... Here's the post Facebook Memories showed me this morning: April 14, 2018 at 8:08 PM, Bradenton FL Dad's spirit is back! He is awake, alert, medically stable and responding well to everything he is being asked to do so he can finally move on to the next step in the rehab process. It is so good to look into his eyes and know it's really him looking back at me as he squeezes my hand to let me know he's really there. He can't talk yet with his trach, but soon ... really soon. It's been a long and difficult year for me and my family. Watching my Mom slip away was difficult. Losing my brother Kevin, way too young, was way too much. Sitting at my Dad's bedside in Florida not knowing if he would pull through at the same time the rest of my family was saying goodbye to my brother was just crazy. At the same time, it's been a year full of insights, awareness, growth and transformation ... within each of us and all around us. As I look back over my experience and reflect on how I survived it all, I realize that I have a powerful set of foundational tools and an amazing network of people supporting me. I am inspired now, more than ever, to share those tools with others as I fully embrace the role they play in my life today. I've had an amazing opportunity to get some pretty high level coaching with Jack Canfield, his team and a wonderful group of people who helped me sort out and map out the next steps in my journey. Jack was standing with me in the moment I gave consent for my Dad's doctor to perform surgery that gave us the last chance for my Dad to come back from his medically induced coma and hooked up to a ventilator. So many thoughts and ideas flowing right now. In this instant, the most exciting news right now is this. For those of you who have heard me talk about my dream of opening a retreat center, I just got word that my mortgage for the property I live in was approved. It is the ideal location at exactly the right time. Through all the challenges, this miracle emerged at exactly the perfect time in ways I never could have imagined. I never would have seen the house deal unfolding in the midst of the crisis and chaos if I had not had the foundation upon which I live my life today. In the perfection, the duality in all of this is profound. It brings me to the question "what's good and what's bad?" From my perspective, it's all one. Just as we are all one. All opportunities to learn and grow and heal and transform fear to love, and ultimately, when we are ready, to serve. Today Dad is back on the golf course. When I talked to him this morning. I could hear the excitement in his voice when he told me that he's back on the golf course and that he just got word that he qualified for the River Isles Annual Golf Tournament. And he could hear the excitement in my voice as I told him I was putting together my event schedule and business plan for Ripple on Silver Lake. Both of us expressed our gratitude with each other as we reflected back over the year. The miracles. The challenges. The connections. The magic. The love. As I hung up the phone my thoughts led me to on of my favorite songs about life and love. How do you measure a year in the life ... ? Seasons of Love from Rent (Original Cast Recording/1996) Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes
Five hundred twenty-five thousand moments so dear Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes How do you measure, measure a year? In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee In inches, in miles. in laughter, in strife? Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes How do you measure a year in the life? How about love? Measure in love ... Seasons of Love ~Donny Osmond Jim Rohn says, “You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself.”
Are you happy with your life? Your work? Your relationships? Your financial situation? Your living environment? Most of us have some things about our life that we’re not happy with. Often we fall into the trap of blaming external causes for why we’re not happy and successful. I am surrounded by adults who aren’t satisfied with their jobs while blaming the economy for forcing them to stay, or their bosses for their work environment when, in fact, they are choosing to stay and aren’t doing anything to either make their work environment more pleasant or shift their perspective. Many people I know aren’t happy in their relationships, yet they would rather blame their partners for their unhappiness then take action to change what needs to be changed. I work with teenagers around pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease (STD) prevention, substance use and academic success. When getting the news of an unintended pregnancy or STD, teens have blamed the condom company for making a cheap product or their partner for not using condoms. One teen even blamed her situation on her parents, stating that they wouldn’t let her go on birth control so that’s why she got pregnant. I once had a student tell me it was my fault he couldn’t graduate despite the fact that he chose to reject every opportunity I gave him to make up his assignments and missed classes. Jack Canfield, author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul Series and The Success Principles, refers to blaming and complaining as “having a reference point of something we prefer that we are not willing to risk creating”. He goes on to suggest we consider the following formula: E + R = O E stands for all the “Events” in our lives. R stands for our “Responses” to those events. O stands for the “ Outcomes” we experience. Jack teaches that the outcomes we are experiencing in our lives are the result of our responses to the events that are occurring. He further suggests that we don’t have control over the circumstances and events that show up in our lives, nor can we control the behavior of the people in our lives. For example, we can’t control our bosses, our spouses, and the economy. However, we do have control over responses. The thoughts we think, the choices we make and the actions we take in response to the events. In fact, our “R’s” are really the only thing we can control. And so by changing our responses to the events that happen in our lives we can create better outcomes. So let’s be honest, taking a full 100% responsibility for everything in our lives can be difficult and feel overwhelming, especially to start. So how about taking 5% more responsibility to start? Activity Get pen and paper or power up your laptop and complete each of the following statements: “If I were to take 5% more responsibility for my life and well-being, I would …” “If I were to take 5% more responsibility for living my passion, I would … “ “If I were to take 5% more responsibility for the attainment of my goals, I would …” “If I would take 5% more responsibility for the success of my relationships, I would …” If you really want to make lasting changes, improve your self-esteem, and increase success in your life, take it one step further than this activity and consider joining my Take Back Control of Your Life 14 Day Challenge. It starts this Sunday, April 7, 2019. It's a simple, powerful and FREE way to get started on your way to creating the outcomes you want in your life. The 14 Day Challenge takes place in a private Facebook group. I promise it will be worth the little bit of time and effort you put into it and you'll be pleased with the results that you'll see as you begin to remove some of the blocks that have been standing in your way of success, happiness and fulfillment. To sign up for this FREE online experience visit https://trishajacobson.synduit.com/CTRL0002 |
June 2019