"Man, alone, has the power to transform his thoughts into physical reality; man, alone, can dream and make his dreams come true." ~Napoleon Hill I first learned about manifesting in 2007 when I first saw the movie The Secret. I loved the concept of creating whatever I wanted in life, but I struggled with exactly how to do that. My interest in the Law of Attraction got supercharged in 2010 when I began studying with Jack Canfield. First I started listening to his book The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where Your Want to Be.
I had a lot of time off that summer. I was in transition. I was doing work I loved with teenagers, but not making enough money to pay my bills. I had lunch with a friend and was talking about my state of mind and the state of my affairs. I told her I needed to figure out a way to make more money. It was stressing me out. She told me I needed to take some time off, go to the beach, relax and read a couple of romance novels and chill out. I hadn't had time off for quite some time and could really use a break from everything. I told her I planned to do some hiking and kayaking so I didn't have time to sit down and read romance novels. She told me about Audible and audiobooks and pitched that romance novels could be very relaxing and that they might supplement my hikes and paddles with a bit of a spark. I had never heard of Audible, nor did I have an mp3 player or an iPod. I enlisted the help of Liam, my teenage neighbor. We headed to the store to get an mp3 player and I was soon signing into Audible to download my first romance novel. The truth is, I didn't really want to listen to romance novels. My intention was to sort out my financial dilemma and figure out a plan. I was pretty sure it was the only thing that would really allow me to relax. It felt like the right thing to do with my time and energy. And that's when it happened. "Get this book for FREE when you create your Audible account today". On my screen was the Chicken Soup for the Soul guy, Jack Canfield, on the cover of his book, The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be. I had met Jack about 25 years before at a live event my work sent me to. I really liked him and remembered buying one of his products ... an audio tape series that I had listened to many times over the years. I clicked on the link and and enlisted Liam's help to download it to my mp3 player. That afternoon I packed up my backpack and headed down to the lake for a paddle. And that afternoon, my world changed. As I listened to the Success Principles book, I heard Jack talk about his live training event, Breakthrough to Success. I got goosebumps. I pay attention to goosebumps. My grandmother called them "God bumps" and told me that they are a sign that I'm being guided by something beyond me. Three months later, through a series of powerful events, amazing coincidences and a miracle or two, I stood in the registration line at the Scottsdale Princess in Arizona, collected my workbook and waiting for the doors to open and for Breakthrough to Success Live to begin. BTS literally changed my life. Jack taught us how to get clear about our life vision, helped us explore passion and purpose and taught us a blueprint to create whatever it is we decided we wanted to create. He taught us conscious principles of manifesting in 7 areas of our lives and taught us how to clear the subconscious blocks that were manifesting things we didn't want. At BTS I decided that I wanted to learn more about this work and perhaps, someday, even serve on Jack's live event assisting team. The work was that powerful. I went on to become certified by Jack to teach his work and I live the principles every day of my life. I also work with Jack's company as the Team Leader of his Breakthrough to Success and his Success Principles Train the Trainer live events. I'd say that my grandmother was right about paying attention to goosebumps! Even though I went to Audible in search of a couple of romance novels my friend had recommended, I never got them. Instead I manifested exactly what I needed to help me manifest the results I intended. To sort out my next steps. How to get from where I was to where I wanted to be. Today I am a master manifester. I love sharing what I know with others to help them harness the power of the Law of Attraction and how to apply the success principles to create amazing things in their own lives. I have so many manifesting stories that I love to share and Ripple on Silver Lake is one of the most powerful of all of them. That's why it's the perfect place to teach my first official class titled Manifesting Magic with the Law of Attraction. You can sign up at https://trishajacobson.synduit.com/CL0005. Hope to see you there! You can read part of the story of how Ripple on Silver Lake came to be here. I'm thinking I'll be sharing the rest in class!
![]() As we wrap up the Finding Your Why series, I would love to hear what your number one key takeaway was from this experience. What’s something new that you learned about yourself? What’s something that this email series has made you consider that you might not have thought about on your own? To jog your memory, here are a few points we covered:
Share your feedback either in the comments below or by email at [email protected]. To further explore your "why" and learn about a powerful success principle that will get you closer to living it, sign up for my FREE Take Back Control of Your Life 14 Day Facebook Challenge here. ![]() By now, you’ve proven to yourself that you want to make a change, but how can you keep that momentum going? These next five “assignments” will help you step back and widen your view of the world in order to better see where you might fit in. 1) Look at old things in new ways When we stare at the same problem for too long, it seems like we can almost entirely lose the ability to solve it. Pick something in the room, don’t overthink it. Got an object? Now spend three minutes brainstorming ways to use it or present it. 2) Play reporter Find someone who does something that you don’t really understand. Whether it’s an odd habit of collecting stamps, reading romance novels, or a career that’s completely foreign to you. Spend some time talking to them about what they do. Ask questions. Find out what they love about it. 3) Tell a story When you’re struggling with a particular problem, tell your story out loud to a friend, then ask them to describe the situation back to you. Hearing it from another perspective might help you find faulty logic or explore new possibilities. 4) What would _____ do? Who do you respect? An innocent child who has a clear vision of right versus wrong? A celebrity? A family member? Take a moment to consider how THEY would respond to the problem or situation at hand. 5) What if you COULD? Finish this sentence: “I can’t ______.” Now cross out “can’t” and pretend that you can. How would your life be different if you COULD do that thing? Can you try spending a day, a few days, or a week, living as if you COULD accomplish that thing? “The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams.” - Oprah Winfrey Stay tuned for Finding Your Why: Next Steps To learn more about Ripple on Silver Lake and our our upcoming live and online events, workshops and classes that will help support your next steps, sign up here: https://trishajacobson.synduit.com/CL0006 ![]() When we’re thinking about the future, it’s all too easy to get caught up in all the things that could go wrong, or why you shouldn’t move forward. You’re too old, too broke, too far down the path you’re already on, and where would you even begin? More likely than not, these thoughts have gone through your mind. But there’s an excellent reason to make the leap and jump into the deep end anyway: Nothing feels as good as becoming who you were meant to be.
“It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.” - Marcus Aurelius Stay tuned for Finding You Why Part 8: Finding Your Footing To explore the principles behind the Finding Your Why Series and create an action plan to move into your "why", sign up here to explore our upcoming webinars, online classes and live events. Coming soon Clarify Your Vision, Manifesting Magic with the Law of Attraction, The R Factor, Success Principles 6 week series. ![]() As you create a new path for yourself, you’ll find that you’ll start naturally changing. You’ll start growing and leaving old habits behind. Unfortunately, sometimes this means leaving toxic people behind too. People who aren’t willing to support you on your path to better yourself, and who might actually work against your efforts to pursue your purpose, aren’t worth giving your attention and energy to. As you move away from the life that’s holding you back, change is inevitable. When you come across people who aren’t able or willing to change with you, it’s time to shake it off and move forward without them. This mantra, one of saying “okay then,” and moving forward, can also be applied to negative feedback and “haters” who might be vocal about the work you’re doing. Remember, if you’re passionate, and the work fills you with purpose, you need to forge onward. “One of the most courageous decisions you’ll ever make is to finally let go of what is hurting your heart and soul.” - Brigitte Nicole Stay tuned for the next Finding You Why Part 7: It’s Never Too Late ![]() People who don’t stand for something can easily fall for anything. Deciding how you want to measure your life’s successes means taking a stand for some set of values and purpose, then living your life in alignment to it. Living your life with purpose means focusing on things that matter most. Getting yourself on the right track to reach your wildest dreams and goals can seem difficult or even impossible because things like loans, family, and responsibilities stand in the way. But you can begin to get to where you want to be by shifting the way that you think about the work you’re doing now. Start considering how your current experience can be catapulted into your next career move. Take the time to consider what meaning you can draw from your daily activities in order to better form your next step for growth. No matter your job, you can draw meaning from it and find your greater purpose through HOW you do what you do. Only then can you accurately measure whether you’re headed in the right trajectory. “Great minds have purposes; others have wishes.” - Washington Irving Stay tuned for Finding Your Why: Brush It Off To learn more about Ripple on Silver Lake and our events and workshops, sign up here: https://trishajacobson.synduit.com/CL0006 ![]() There are many things that you’re good at, which you don’t enjoy doing. If you’re finding that you’re at a point in your career where you’re getting the job done but you’re loathing or dreading the work you’re doing, it’s probably time to switch things up a bit. Once you’ve recognized your strengths, and have figured out how you can add the most value through those strengths, you can start focusing on the right opportunities, roles, and career paths that will help you feel the greatest sense of accomplishment. If you reframe the concept of adding value through the lens of solving problems, you’ll be able to better figure out where your specific skill set can best be used.
The best way for you to contribute to society is to do something that makes you feel good. “If you can’t figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right to your purpose.” - Bishop T.D. Jakes Stay tuned for Finding Your Why Part 5: Take a Stand To learn more about Ripple on Silver Lake and our events and workshops, sign up here: https://trishajacobson.synduit.com/CL0006 ![]() Do you remember a time when someone else was struggling with something, asked for your help, and you figured it out pretty quickly? Maybe it was putting together furniture. Maybe it was finding the perfect outfit. Maybe it was editing a research paper. Each one of us has a set of talents that make us stand out; we’re all gifted with different sets of strengths - sometimes though, the hard part is trying to figure out what those strengths are. For a few moments, ponder what it is that you’ve always been good at, or maybe something you’ve wondered why others find difficult.
“Build upon your strengths, and your weaknesses will gradually take care of themselves.” -Joyce C. Lock Stay tuned for the next post in the series ... Finding Your Why Part 4: Finding True Fulfillment To learn more about Ripple on Silver Lake and our events and workshops, sign up here: https://trishajacobson.synduit.com/CL0006 ![]() When people are in their element, not only are they more productive, but they add more value to the environment they’re in as well as the project they’re working on. So how do you know whether you’re in your element? You’ll know because you’ll feel a little spark inside you, you might find yourself sitting up straight, or even at the edge of your seat. This might happen when you’re having a really interesting conversation with someone about a topic or listening to a lecture or podcast that has completely pulled you in. This sensation of excitement probably happens more often than you realize, and when it does, pay attention! If you’re having trouble remembering the last time that you felt yourself “come alive,” start exposing yourself to more books, tv shows, documentaries, articles, podcasts, and movies that might spark some interest and excitement in you. Start noticing the patterns and connect the dots, figure out what common threads excite you, then start incorporating more of those things into your life. “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive, then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” - Howard Thurman Stay tuned for Finding Your Why Part 3: Finding Your Innate Strength To learn more about Ripple on Silver Lake and our events and workshops, sign up here: https://trishajacobson.synduit.com/CL0006 ![]() While there’s no one pathway for discovering your life’s purpose, there are many ways you can gain deeper insight into yourself, a larger perspective on what it is you have to offer to the world. The word “inspire” comes from Latin, meaning “to breathe life into.” This makes sense because when you’re working toward things that inspire you and that you feel passionately about, it makes you feel alive.
This doesn’t mean that you have to declare today that you’ll be the next Steve Jobs or the next Oprah Winfrey; this means that it’s your job to start connecting to a cause that’s bigger than you but still congruent with what you care about. “He who has a why can endure any how.” - Frederick Nietzsche Stay tuned for Finding Your Why Part 2: Body Talk ... To learn more about Ripple on Silver Lake and our events and workshops, sign up here: https://trishajacobson.synduit.com/CL0006 |
June 2019